Pictures from guild members are being posted here. They would be what they were planning on entering, or just works in progress. Enjoy!
Pictures are in 'gallery' format - there are right/left arrows to scroll back and forth as you hover over photo.
Photo gallery from Hilda Pleva - May 2020 (double click image to get full view and then scroll through)

Hilda Pleva - Pictures from May 2020

COVID-19 Hostile Takeover: I've been obsessed this past week with making this piece. We all have the 'I need to be in control' gene. This was my method to cope giving myself control over something, even if it made no impact on the pandemic, but seemed to keep my brain occupied.
I kept seeing the picture from the CDC website that was in the background of each news site. It is a corona virus because of the crowns. The red crowns are S proteins, yellow squares are E proteins,and the orange squares are M proteins. I made a full blown sized one, and it does stick out a bit to make it look round. The smaller ones I imagined were not mature, so I used beads that I had on hand down here. And then the large white beads are what I imagined to be just in a germination stage. - Pat Clark, March 22, 2020
Photo gallery from Pat Clark- June 2020 (double click image to get full view and then scroll through)

Pat Cumming's Felted Applique'

Judy Craddock's quilt "Love Letters ' has won two awards at the Quilts Unlimited quilt show at the View Gallery, Old Forge NY.: Best in Show and The Silver Needle ( for excellent needlework). The show runs from Oct 3 through Nov 7, 2020.

Photo Gallery of Quilts by Denise Giardullo - December 2020
(double click image to get full view and then scroll through)

Denise Giardullo Quilts - added 12/2020

Photo Gallery of quilts by Eileen Buel
(double click image to get full view then scroll through)

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